A growing discussion on Reddit just exposed how Audeze allegedly neglected to provide enough warnings on its customers on how to handle their Audeze headphones. The thread was initiated by user /u/i-x-o in the “r/headphones,” a forum for headphone enthusiasts. He primarily aired concerns of Audeze’s zero-warranty support policy for damage resulting from a user’s lack of precautionary measures. u/i-x-o quoted Audez Customer Support terms on its website: This means activities such as clapping or pressing down on the earpads creates sudden pressure will cause the diaphragm to flex and possibly blow off since it is very thin.

Testimonials to Audeze’s Fragility

u/i-x-o said he raised the question after having read countless reports of Audeze owners having to send their headphones in for repairs including driver replacement, with many going through the repair more than once. One r/headphones member shared how his Audeze got damaged, surmising the culprit was his habit to randomly push the cups against his ears. He noted, however, that Audeze covered all the costs for repair and replaced both drivers. Another user metal571 revealed he has called on the attention of Audeze and advised the company to add a warning to every box not to press on the pads while they are coupled. Hopefully, they do. This is unavoidable because the design includes a sealed front volume.

Handling Audeze is Just Same With Any Other Headphones

Others emphasized that the handling with Audeze is just similar with that of others, only some people don’t understand this and as such should be given appropriate warnings by Audeze through their labeling, at least. User metal571 said: For his part, IzzoriousAxel said: He added:

Customers Slam Audeze for Inadequate Warning on Handling Earphones - 50Customers Slam Audeze for Inadequate Warning on Handling Earphones - 24